Collection List
This is a partial list of the comupters in our collection. The collection focuses on personal computing from 1982 and earlier (1982 is the year in which IBM announced their Personal Computer which, eventually, drove most other companies out of business).
Our Research Library includes over 20 rare documents along with contemporaneous magazines, brochures and books. The Library also
has many peripheral items, games, and software.
In addition, we display computer related items such as pre-IBM items from the Computing Scale Company of Dayton Ohio, the International Time Recording Company and, most importantly, the Tabulating Machine Company.
(Analogs are in green. Mechanials are in red.)
- Acorn BBC Micro Model B
- Acorn Electron
- AIM-65 (single board)
- AIM-65 (factory case)
- AIM-65 (built by Jon Titus)
- ALICE micro-ordinateur
- Altair 680
- Altair 8800
- Altair 8800A
- Altair 8800b
- Altair 8800b Turnkey (see Pertec below)
- Altair 8800b (see Pertec below)
- Altair 8800b w/ Hardisk Controller & Datakeeper
- Altos ACS-8000
- American Basic Science Club Analog Computer
- American Basic Science Club Analog Computer (later model)
- AMF Educational Computer Model 665/C
- AMF Educational Computer Model 775 A
- Apple II Plus
- ASCI SystemX
- ASR 33 Teletype
- Analog Training Computer ATC-610 (EAI)
- Automatic Teaching Computer Kit
- Beckman ElectroComp Electric Heating Computer
- Beckman ElectroComp Energy Savings Computer
- Beckman Solid State Fuel Cost Computer
- Black Box by Rair
- Brainiac K-30
- Calif. Computer Systems 2200
- CES Ed-Lab 650
- Comdyna GP-6
- Commodore 8032
- Commodore 64
- Commodore PET 2001
- Commodore Super Pet
- Compucolor II
- Compukit 1
- Compukit 1 Deluxe Model
- Compukit 2
- Comspace CT-650
- Cosmac Elf (RCA1802)
- Cosmac Microtutor
- Cosmac Netronics ELF II
- Cosmac VIP
- CREI 680
- Cromemco System I
- Cromemco System III
- Cromemco Z-2D
- Datapoint 2200
- Digi-Comp I (small flat box)
- Digi-Comp I (large flat box)
- Digi-Comp I (long box)
- Digi-Comp II
- Digital Computer Lab
- Donner 3000
- Donner 3500 (See Systron-Donner below)
- DowAlert Stock Computer
- Dynabyte
- E & L Inst MMD-1
- E & L Inst MMD-2
- Eagle II
- Electric Tabulating Machine (one original counter, 1889)
- Electro Scientific Industries Algebraic Computer (ESIAC) Model 10
- Electron
- Electronic Associates Model TR-10
- Electronic Associates Model TR-10
- Electronic Associates Model TR-10 II
- Electronic Associates Model TR-20
- Electronic Associates Model TR-20
- Electronic Associates Model TR-20
- Electronic Associates Model TR-48
- Electronic Associates Model TR-48
- Electronic Associates Model TR-48
- Electronic Associates Model 180
- Electronic Associates Model 380 Hybrid
- Electronic Associates Model 1000
- F-85 by Durango
- FutureTec 180
- Gakken FX-Computer
- General Electric Educational Projects: Analog Computer
- Geniac
- Google Glass White (definitely not vintage)
- Google Glass Blue (definitely not vintage)
- Google Glass Gray (definitely not vintage)
- Heath EC-1 (factory assembled by Heath)
- Heathkit EC-1 (kit)
- Heathkit EC-1 (kit)
- Heathkit ES-400 (kit)
- Heathkit ET 3100 trainer
- Heathkit H8, H9 Video Terminal, H10 Paper Reader, H17 Floppy Drive
- Heathkit Hero 1 (robot)
- Heathkit Hero Jr. (robot with remote)
- Heathkit Hero Jr. (robot)
- Heathkit Hero 2000 (robot)
- Hewlett Packard 2115A
- Hewlett Packard 85
- Hewlett Packard 5036A
- Hewlett Packard 9825A
- Hewlett Packard 9825B
- Hewlett Packard 9826
- Hewlett Packard 9830A
- Hickok Logic Teaching Sys.
- Hickok Servo Teaching Sys.
- Iasis 7301
- IBM System 370 (front panel only)
- IBM 5110 PC
- IBM 5120 PC
- IBM 5150 PC
- ICS Microcomputer Training System
- IMSAI 108 (prototype)
- IMSAI 8048 Control Computer
- IMSAI 8048 (The Dollhouse Computer)
- IMSAI 8080
- Informer
- Intel Intellec MDS
- Intel MDS-800
- Intel Prompt 48
- Intel SBC 80/10
- Intel SDK-85
- Intel SDK-85 (unassembled)
- Intel SDK-86
- Intertec Superbrain
- ISEC 250 Stock Market Computer
- JR-01 Computer
- KIM-1
- LAN-DEC 20
- LAN-ALOG (modified)
- Lehrcomputer (Germany)
- Lawrence Livermore Lab
- Lear Siegler ADM3A
- Logikit LK255 (Feedback)
- Logix SF-5000 Electronic Computer
- MAC-1 Mini Analog Computer
- MAC Tutor (Bell Laboratories)
- MEK6800D2
- Micro 68
- MicroAce
- Microtan 65
- Microwriter
- Midwest Scientific Instruments 6800
- Minitel
- Minivac 601
- Minivac 601 clone
- Minivac 6010
- Mini-Scamp Microcomputer
- Nascom I
- Nascom II
- National Radio Institute 832
- National Semiconductor Corportation SC/MP
- NEC TK-80
- NeXt Cube Computer
- NorthStar Horizon
- Olivetti Programma 101
- Olivetti Programma 203
- Olivetti Programma 602
- Olivetti M15
- Olson 8080 (Byt-8 Adaptation)
- Open University PT501
- Ordinateur d'Apprentissage JR-01
- Osborne 1
- OSI 300
- OSI 600 (SuperBoard II)
- OSI C2-OEM-4
- OSI Challenger-1P
- Outpost II
- Pastoriza Personal Analogue Computer
- Pertec MITS 300/25 (Altair desk business system)
- Pertec MITS 300/55 (Altair Turnkey business system)
- PolyMorphic Systems 8810
- PolyMorphic Systems 8813
- PolyMorphic Poly-88
- Protech-83
- QDP-100 Quasar Data Products
- Realtron Personal Computer Terminal
- Sargent-Welch Scientific Company Cat. No.7528 Analog Computer
- Science of Cambridge MK-14 (Sinclair)
- SD Systems Z80 starter kit
- Sharp MZ-40K
- Sharp MZ-80k
- Siemens ECB-85
- Signetics Instructor 50
- Sinclair ZX-81
- Smoke Signal Broadcasting
- Sol-20
- Spark16
- Sphere 1
- Sphere/SWTPC Computer System
- SWTP CMOS Microlab
- SWTP CT-82 Terminal
- SWTPC 6800
- SWTPC 6800 (w/ Smoke Signal Broadcasting drive)
- SWTPC CT-64 Video Terminal, SS-50
- SWTPC TV Typewriter II CT-1024
- Synertek VIM-1
- Synertek SYM-1
- Systron-Donner 3500
- Tei MCS-112
- Tektronix 4006-1
- Telefunken RAT 700
- TeleSensory TeleBraille II
- TeleSensory VersaBraille P2C
- TeleVideo TS-1605
- Teller Machine Series 6000
- Thoroughbred Horse Race Analyzer
- TI LCM-1001 (Microprogrammer)
- TI LCM-1001 (Microprogrammer)
- TI Silent 700 Terminal
- TI TM 990/189
- Timex Sinclair 1500
- UK-101 by Compukit
- US Navy, Mark 1A Fire Control Computer, Electro-Mechanical, ~1945
- US Navy, Computer Mark VI Mechanical Computer, ~1922
- US Navy, Range Keeper Mark VII, Electro-Mechanical Computer, 1936
- Vector 1
- Vector 3 (VIP)
- Vector MZ
- Viatron System 21
- Vidac 336
- Vydek 1400
- Wang 2200
- Welch Scientific Company Cat. No.7528 Analog Computer
- Xerox 820 Mark I
- Xerox 1810
- Ymazaki YPC-1000 Basic-alpha
- Zuse Z-23 (selected boards only)
- Chameleon Plus
- Commodore SX64
- Datavue Model 25
- Epson HX-20
- Hewlett Packard 110
- Hyperion
- Interview Comstate
- Kaypro 1
- Kaypro II
- Kaypro 2
- Kaypro 2x
- Kaypro 4
- Kaypro 10
- Kaypro 16
- Osborne 1
- Panasonic Senior Partner
- Toshiba 3200T
- Visual Commuter
- Zorba
- Hamburgisches Magazin (1747, Description of Vaucanson's Flute Player)
- Babbage's Calculating Engine (1834)
- Electric Tabulating Machine (1889, Herman Hollerith's personal copy)
- The Hollerith Electric Tabulating System (1890)
- Counting a Nation by Electricity (1891)
- Calculating Machines (1947)
- Moore School Lectures Vol. II (1947)
- Mathematical Theory of Communication (1948)
- Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems (1949)
- Collection of books from Claude Shannon's personal library (1940s)
- The "Moore's Law" article (Electronics, 1965)
- Printout from Difference Engine #2 (London Science Museum, 2004)
Donner Scientific 3500 Analog Computer